
博主:admin admin 2024-07-08 19:49:20 556 0条评论



  • 老年人:老年人身体调节功能减退,对外界环境变化的适应能力差,更容易中暑。
  • 儿童:儿童体温调节中枢发育尚不完善,且户外活动时间较长,也是中暑高风险人群。
  • 孕妇:孕妇体内的水分和电解质代谢旺盛,容易脱水,且妊娠期体温偏高,也更易中暑。
  • 慢性病患者:患有心脑血管疾病、呼吸系统疾病、糖尿病等慢性病的人群,中暑后病情可能加重,甚至危及生命。
  • 户外作业者:建筑工人、环卫工人、交警等户外作业者长时间暴露在高温环境下,体力消耗大,中暑风险高。


  • **避免高温作业或长时间户外活动。**如必须在户外活动,应尽量选择清晨或傍晚等凉爽时段,并做好防晒、散热措施。
  • **注意补充水分。**多喝水,以白开水、淡茶水为宜,也可适当补充一些电解质饮料。
  • **穿着宽松、透气的衣物。**浅色衣服有利于反射阳光,减少热量吸收。
  • **保证充足睡眠和休息。**避免过度劳累,注意饮食清淡,多吃新鲜蔬菜和水果。
  • **加强监测,及时发现中暑迹象。**如出现头晕、头痛、恶心、呕吐、乏力、肌肉痉挛等中暑症状,应立即转移至阴凉通风处,松开衣扣,用湿毛巾擦拭身体,并补充水分。如果出现意识障碍、昏迷等严重症状,应立即拨打急救电话。


A Wave of "Kete Valuation" Sweeps Through the Market: 50 Stocks Poised for Strong Growth

Shanghai, China - June 17, 2024 - A recent surge in investor sentiment towards growth stocks, particularly in the healthcare and technology sectors, has been dubbed the "Kete Valuation" phenomenon, named after the Chinese pharmaceutical company C-Bridge (6160.HK). This trend is reminiscent of the "CATL Valuation" rally that occurred in 2021, driven by the strong performance of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Ltd. (300015.SZ).

The "Kete Valuation" is characterized by a sharp increase in the share prices of companies with promising growth prospects, often defying broader market trends. This is evident in the recent performance of 50 stocks identified by analysts as having significant growth potential. These stocks, spanning various industries including healthcare, technology, and consumer goods, have exhibited remarkable resilience amidst recent market volatility.

Factors Driving the "Kete Valuation"

Several factors are contributing to the "Kete Valuation" trend. Firstly, investors are increasingly seeking out companies that can deliver sustainable growth, particularly in the face of global economic uncertainties. Secondly, the easing of monetary policy in major economies is providing a supportive backdrop for riskier assets like growth stocks. Additionally, advancements in technology and innovation are creating new opportunities for companies in various sectors, fueling investor optimism.

Key Beneficiaries of the "Kete Valuation"

Among the 50 stocks identified as potential beneficiaries of the "Kete Valuation," C-Bridge (6160.HK) stands out as a frontrunner. The company's innovative cancer therapies and strong pipeline of new drugs have attracted significant investor interest. Other notable stocks include:

  • Ascletis Pharma (1672.HK): A clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapies for cancer and viral diseases.

  • Aier Eye Hospital Group (300015.SZ): A leading provider of comprehensive eye care services in China.

  • Xiaomi Corporation (1810.HK): A global technology company known for its smartphones, smart home devices, and internet services.

Investment Implications

The "Kete Valuation" presents an opportunity for investors to capitalize on the growth potential of select companies. However, careful due diligence is crucial, as not all growth stocks are created equal. Investors should thoroughly evaluate a company's financial health, competitive landscape, and long-term growth prospects before making investment decisions.

The "Kete Valuation" highlights the evolving dynamics of the Chinese stock market, where investors are increasingly discerning and seeking out companies with genuine growth potential. This trend is likely to continue as China's economy transitions towards a more innovation-driven and knowledge-based model.

The End

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